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Operational Director of the Center for Cultural Innovation Mazatlan (CICMA)

Mariela Mercado

Hi, I'm Mariela MercadoI consider myself passionate about museums and the places where learning happens. I have been designing exhibitions and displays for more than six years. I collaborate with local cultural initiatives in the area of mounting art exhibitions, in addition to being an enthusiastic popularizer of science topics.



Mariela is currently the operational director of the Centro de Innovación Cultural Mazatlán (CICMA), where she works in the areas of management, content, communication, outreach, education, curatorship and museography. She also participates in the conceptualization of the Museo Nacional de la Ballena, in the area of museography and content.

Phone: 669 260 98 44
Address: Observatorio 54, Cerro del Vigía, 82040 Mazatlán, Sin.

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