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Intention to send a message of hope for the future of cetaceans through individual action.
Exhibición sobre vaquita marina: el cetáceo más pequeño; habita en aguas mexicanas y se encuentra en
endangered species.

Dedicada a la ballena jorobada, que es la especie con mayor presencia en aguas Mazatlecas.

Vídeo mapping: experiencia inmersiva del recorrido, migraciones y peligros que afronta la ballena jorobada

Interactive laboratory to develop experiments and projects dedicated to the environment, it is also a reading room that offers a comfortable space.

World of baleen whales. The common thread is plankton, oxygen production and carbon sequestration. Economic value of whales.

Video mapping: experiencia inmersiva línea del tiempo

The largest brain in the ocean: the sperm whale.

Important role played by top predators in marine ecosystems, as well as the trophic cascade effect: powerful indirect interactions between predators and prey that can affect entire ecosystems.

Different physiological and physical adaptations of cetaceans to the marine environment, with the objective of achieving a comparison with our nature as mammals to generate empathy.


Dolphin social structures, history, survival strategy, development of their intelligence and echolocation and communication system.

In this room you will learn about cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises), their origin and evolutionary stages in geological time.