Strandings of marine mammals, particularly cetaceans, are events that have fascinated and puzzled mankind throughout history. From the first records in antiquity to the present day, these incidents have given rise to multiple theories and explanations, from mythological to scientific. However, behind the drama of a...
More than half a century ago, off the coast of California, a small group of people embarked on an adventure to witness something that until then had been the exclusive domain of hunters: whale watching. What began as an act of silent admiration, with gazes full of awe towards these giants...
This museum space is intended to be a bridge that connects people with the sea, the whales and environmental education in favor of their conservation.
The replica of the skeleton of a blue whale of almost 15 meters is the first thing that catches your attention when you enter the construction area...
MAZATLAN - 2024 brings exciting news for marine life and culture lovers.
Brings exciting news for marine life and culture lovers: The National Whale Museum (NUNMBA) will move into Mazatlán's Observatorio 1873 tourist park, offering an impressive display of its vast collection.
The MUNMBA is recognized for having the most extensive collection of...
Discover the National Whale Museum in Mazatlan, an interactive space dedicated to conservation and education about cetaceans, opening on July 23rd. Immerse yourself in this fascinating marine world!